iptables -version
/etc/init.d/iptables status
chkconfig iptables on
chkconfig iptables off
service iptables stop
service iptables start
service iptables restart
iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT
/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables save
iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP
iptables -I OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -j DROP
/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables save
systemctl start firewalld.service
systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl restart firewalld.service
systemctl status firewalld.service
systemctl enable firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service
systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service;echo $?
systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled
firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
若不使用“--permanent”, 则防火墙规则在重启后会失效.
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=80/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
若不使用“--permanent”, 则防火墙规则在重启后会失效.
apt install ufw
ufw version
ufw enable
ufw disable
ufw default allow/deny
ufw status
sudo ufw allow [service]
sudo ufw deny [service]
例如: sudo ufw allow ssh表明: 允许所有的外部IP访问本机的22/tcp(ssh)端口
sudo ufw allow 22
sudo ufw deny 22
ufw allow from to any
ufw deny from to any
ufw allow from to any port 80
ufw deny from to any port 80
sudo ufw status numbered
# 会显示防火墙的已有规则并编号
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ----
[ 1] Nginx HTTP ALLOW IN Anywhere
[ 2] OpenSSH ALLOW IN Anywhere
[ 3] Nginx HTTP (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6)
[ 4] OpenSSH (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6)
sudo ufw delete 3