• Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN)
• Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH)
This document provides a summary of the topics that have been removed as well as the incremental topics that has
been added.
Candidates who currently have a valid CCNA or have passed 200-120 CCNA exam (or 100-101 ICND1 and 200-101
ICND2 exams) and would like to pursue a Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA) certification using the 200-310
DESIGN exam, outlined below are the topics removed, and new topics added to the exam and training curriculum.
Candidates are encouraged to gain the knowledge difference before attempting to take the Associate-level exam.
Topics Removed from the DESGN Exam:
• Describe developing business trends
• Describe network management protocols and features
• Describe network architecture for the enterprise
• Identify Cisco technologies to mitigate security vulnerabilities
Topics Added to the DESGN Exam:
• Describe the Cisco Design lifecycle – PBM (Plan, Build, Manage)
• Describe the importance and application of Scalability in a network
• Describe the importance and application of Resiliency in a network
• Describe the importance and application of concept of Fault Domains in a network
• Design a basic branch network
• Describe the concepts of virtualization within a network design
• Identify network elements that can be virtualized
• Describe Data Center components
• Describe the concepts of Network Programmability within a network design
To learn more about these topics, the following training resources are recommended:
• Instructor-led Training:
− Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) v3.0
• Self-study Material
− E-Learning
− Cisco Press materials